Renovation of the dam and water reservoir
- 25 Jun 2024
- admin

Water is a substance of primary necessity for every human being. We use it not only for drinking but also for hygiene, which is particularly important in places like hospitals. For sanitary purposes, we use water from an artificial reservoir created over half a century ago by the Jesuit Brothers. We are very pleased that with the involvement of the local community, we were able to clean the reservoir and repair the dam that forms it.
In regions plagued by constant droughts, such as Zambia, proper water management is one of paramount importance. Our reservoir is fed from three sources. It provides water for the hospital, school, parish house, and irrigates fields, enabling residents to grow crops. However, its condition has significantly deteriorated. It was overgrown with lush wild vegetation, which reduced its volume, and the dam was leaking. Natural wear and tear and corrosion made it impossible to use the pumps.
We managed to raise considerable funds for the work – the cost amounted to 19,000 USD. A large part of these funds (15,000 USD) we obtained from Polish support thanks to the help of our embassy in Pretoria. The personal commitment of the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, Adam Burakowski, and Counselor, Head of Section, Iwona Jabłonowska, was emphasized by their presence at the end of the work. Great support for the project was shown by Senior Chief Mburuba, without whom success would not have been possible.
The work was carried out by the local people. Young men not only had the opportunity to earn money. In the photos, you can see how much joy activity brings them and... the opportunity to hunt dangerous snakes. The water reservoir was weeded, the dam sealed, the drain rebuilt and secured, and the electric pumps replaced.
This was another extremely important undertaking for our hospital. We are still working on developing our facility. It could not function without access to water. We are also very pleased with the involvement and support of the local community. Just as we jointly benefit from the great gift that is water, so we mutually support each other. Together we create this community, thanks to which thirty thousand people from three countries live a little easier and safer.