Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
- 27 Oct 2023
- Dorota Malag

Our hospital in Katondwe could not work without the help of many people of good will. Every day we receive a great support from Poland and from all around the world. These are the smallest gestures, words of encouragement, kind thoughts and prayers, but also financial help that reaches us through befriended companies, foundations and also directly from contributors.
We would like to wholeheartedly thank everyone who decided to donate their 1.5% tax to our hospital. We would also like to thank for any additional donations to the foundation's account.
All of the collected funds will be donated to build a much-needed radiology unit in Katondwe.
We could not achieve this goal without the support of the Pro Spe Foundation, which made its KRS available for our purpose and offered a great help in raising funds.
Funds from the 1.5% tax were also collected for our hospital by the Polska Misja Medyczna Association.
An enormous commitment of our donators, the foundations’ initiative and the generosity of all of the contributors brings us one step closer to being able to use the new X-ray unit. Thanks to You every person in need, who comes to our hospital, often having travelled hundreds of kilometers, finds help. Your effort and support put smiles on the faces of children and their parents once again. You give hope to our medical team, which strives to keep this place in the very heart of Africa providing the local people with specialized, safe and, above all, effective treatment in decent conditions.
Stay with us and join our supporters. We are constantly collecting money through a fundraiser at for the hospital's current needs. We are very grateful for any donation.
Thank you. Without you we couldn’t treat our patients.